Follow these 10 steps to get your first 5 customers (script included):

Harsh Darji
3 min readAug 19, 2023
  1. Create a list

List 1 — list all the people you have ever emailed.
List 2 — list all the people on social media following you.
List 3 — list all your personal and private contacts.

2. Pick a Platform

Start with the list that you have most people on.

3. Now, the main question is what do you say?!

You personalize your message.
The goal is to show that you took some time to care about them.

4. oh, another problem — what do you say if they reply?!

Use “ACA” framework.

A — Acknowledge
C — Compliment
A — Ask

Let’s say you’re an online fitness trainer so you message this:

Acknowledge — Oh so you have 2 kids.
Compliment — Wow you must be a supermom, working full-time and having 2 kids!!
Ask — How do you have time to eat right and workout?

Connect your ask to your service.

5. Invite their friends.

IMP — When you are talking to them do not sell them.

Instead, ask them if they know anyone in their circle.

Do you know anyone who’s looking to lose weight because I’m opening up a few slots to help people do exactly that?

If they show interest, like hey I would be interested then they’ve transitioned from a lead to an engaged lead.

Lead — someone that you can contact.
Engaged Lead — someone you contacted & who has shown interest in the thing that you sell.

6. How do you make them buy from you?
Give them for free.

You do this for 3 reasons:
1 — You get your reps.
2 — You suck
3 — You’ll suck less by doing more

Script: Hey! I’m going to help you lose 10lbs for free as long as you promise to do three things:
1. You use my service.
2. You give me feedback on it.
3. Leave a killer review if you think it deserves one.

Once you deliver your service, you have gotten your reps, you have your feedback to improve your service, and you have testimonials. You have built a social proof.

7. Start Charging
Of course, you want to get paid. Use this exact script if they are your “FREE” customer.

Script: I am accepting somebody who’s paying full boat in order to do this. If you would like me to continue helping you with your weight loss journey you’d have to start paying to match them. Are you comfortable with that?

If they are not comfortable, no sweat! You have simply gotten better at what you do.

8. Start back at the top
If you have messaged 3000 people you’ll get your first 5 customers. Maybe more but not less.

9. Double your charges

Well, not literally but technically you can. As long as you’re providing value and building social proof, you can charge a premium for your service.

10. Put in the work
Everything must be hard before it’s easy.
Get in your reps.

Keep this in mind: When all you’re doing is giving value you have nothing to lose.

That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading and I really appreciate your time and attention. I am studying the most remarkable humans and sharing insights on business & life. Subscribe to get this delivered to your inbox.

Have a beautiful weekend,
Harsh Darji



Harsh Darji
Harsh Darji

Written by Harsh Darji

Writer | On a mission to help you heal and expand your consciousness

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